
Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:

The symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction are given as follows. You should remember that these are generalized symptoms and can vary from person to person. It is important to have a correct diagnosis from a physician or a specialist doctor. The symptoms of hypertonic and hypotonic pelvic floor dysfunction are overlapping, and only a specialist can diagnose which of these two are likely.

  • Urinary incontinence

    Urinary incontinence means that a person is unable to hold their urine. As a result, they may soil their clothing multiple times a day. Affected persons may suddenly leak urine during coughing or while lifting something. They may also be unable to empty their bladder, resulting in “dribbling” and having the sensation of a full bladder.

  • Pain during urination and urgency

    In many cases, urination becomes painful because the muscles of the urethra are excessively tightened. This may also cause a person to experience “ urgency,”; the need to go to the bathroom urgently and lose control before getting there.

  • Fecal incontinence or constipation

    Pelvic floor dysfunction may cause fecal incontinence (inability to control stool) and constipation. Constipated individuals may have to strain on the toilet or facilitate removal by manipulation. They also might not be able to void entirely and may have multiple episodes of defecation throughout the day.

  • Lower back and hip pain

    Tensed up pelvic floor muscles can cause prominent lower back and hip pain, affecting a person’s ability to move. They may have problems rising from a prone position, squatting or standing up for extended periods. They may also experience sore hip joints.

  • Pain during intercourse

    Hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction may cause painful intercourse for women, and the tightened pelvic floor would cause pain upon penetration. In hypotonic pelvic floor dysfunction, the person might feel that their vagina is excessively loose, which can affect the quality of their sex life.

  • Painful periods

    Pelvic floor dysfunction may cause painful periods. This might be due to an underlying uterine issue that causes the dysfunction, or it might be due to trauma such as accidents etc.

  • Hernias and hemorrhoids

    Hernias happen when the pelvic floor muscles are sufficiently weakened enough to cause the intestines or other internal organs to bulge through them. They can be felt in the vagina and anus. Hemorrhoids are bunches of swollen blood vessels that occur in response to constipation, and the pushing and straining during defecation results in the blood vessels bunching together. Both these conditions can be painful.

  • Erectile dysfunction

    Both hyper and hypotonic pelvic dysfunction can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability of the penis to stay erect during intercourse or arousal. The penis is primarily a muscular organ and depends upon proper blood flow to achieve an erection. Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause restricted blood flow to this particular appendage. This affects the quality of the individual’s sexual activities.

  • Vaginal prolapse

    In women, pelvic floor dysfunction can lead to vaginal prolapse. This means that the internal organs, notably the intestines and uterus, drop down into the vaginal canal, forming a bump. Vaginal prolapse is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention, and the patient runs a risk of infection and sepsis. Surgery is often needed to correct vaginal prolapse.

  • Pelvic floor spasms

    The lack of muscular coordination in pelvic floor dysfunction means that the pelvic floor is given to having random spasms. They can range from mild to extremely strong and cause pain and discomfort.

    It is important to note that these are generalized symptoms and may vary based on the sex or from person to person, depending on other pre-existing conditions. A person may still have pelvic floor dysfunction and may not exhibit all of the symptoms listed above. They may also have some issues that would be unique to them.

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